Wednesday, April 21, 2010

i can do this...
i CAN do this...
i can TOTALLY do this...


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sneak Peek part 3

we're getting there...!

the problem with internships...

ASID has a daily email that is sent out with news clippings related to the industry. Today, the subject line article was about internships. I suggest reading, or at least skimming, the article. You'll find it here.

did that say... illegal??
Why yes, yes it did.

I'll put a disclaimer out there - I'm not actually complaining about MY internship. I actually believe that my unpaid internship is, if not completely, for the most part, legal.

Here's the problem I see...
If you are going to have a legal unpaid internship, it is too easy for it to become mind-blowingly boring. If you are not to do anything that employer "derives an immediate advantage" from, you quickly become dead weight. The article, and the law, mention that an unpaid internship should be a "benevolent contribution to the intern", but let's be honest... that rarely happens. At least in the design world. Which then means that most unpaid internships are in violation of labor laws, or they are not actually very beneficial to the intern because the intern finds him or herself doing nothing for hours, waiting for someone to have the time (or just take pity on the thumb-twiddling-intern) to teach them something... ANYTHING...

So I think it becomes clear that paid internships are without a doubt the preferable route for the intern. The problem here is that they are rare. When I was searching for an internship, pay was non-negotiable. People didn't even want to talk about it. Not even a partial gas reimbursement ((for driving 240 miles A WEEK to commute to the office))

Again, I'm not really complaining about my experience. I feel blessed to be where I am, and since I was looking before I knew all of this, I had no way of knowing to look for anything different. I simply write this in hopes that someday the norm will change and maybe actually comply with the law.

wouldn't that be nice...


Sunday, April 11, 2010

sneak peek part 2

For those of you who didn't notice, the building i'm renovating for my project is the Olen Hendricks building at Harding. I'm turning it into a Children's Art Center in Little Rock.
see the similarities???


sneak peek

Just thought I'd post a little sneak peek of my capstone project. This rendering still needs quite a bit of work but its a start! This is the front side of my building.

I present on May 1, and it will be in the gallery until May 8.

Monday, April 5, 2010